When someone anxious or insecure happens to get involved in a relationship be it blood, romantic or a societal one it is 100% without exception going to become toxic for them as the other person involved will become an extraction point. People sick with insecurity are cappy people as they feel like crap all the time.

Once a person lacks love, joy, pleasantness they will tend to extract it from others and therefore every relation becomes toxic and ugly, in the worst-case scenario one of them ends up being gaslit. So the ‘toxicity’ or ‘ugliness’ in your life depends on how wise you are in conducting your life.

Someway or the other one lets one’s parents, peers, teachers, media and so on create this illusion of a sense of inadequacy within that needs to be filled and one goes spending one’s whole life trying to satiate everyone and oneself but fails constantly and dies feeling unfulfilled like a thirty wanderer drinking sand thinking it’s water in a desert.

So if you feel bored, alone, crappy, lack colour in your life then there are many modes of escape in this world, they are popular although not the solution if you need to deal with these issues then you need to realise that you decide the quality of your life not the people or circumstances around you.

The world doesn't need your changing, it's you who needs to change first and to be fulfilled we have to stop escaping from the idea that one is not fulfilled and live life like a celebration, celebrating everything that life throws at you cause one way or the other it’s supporting you.